Family Building Resources

The Edlavitch DCJCC does not sponsor the organizations listed below. They are provided here for informational purposes only. 

Ongoing Local Support for Jewish Family Building

A national organization with a DC-area office offering financial assistance, support groups, a buddy program, and community events.

Interest-free loans for fertility, adoption, and assisted reproductive technology costs

General Resources

Email Miriam if you want to be connected to others who have gone through or are currently dealing with similar experiences, whether fertility issues, pregnancy or infant loss, the adoption process, or anything else.  All emails will be kept strictly confidential.

Fertility Support

  • Jewish Fertility Foundation (national organization with a DC-area office offering financial assistance, emotional support and community events)
  • Hasidah (national organization to increase awareness and provide support for infertility in the Jewish community)
  • Uprooted (Jewish communal response to fertility journeys)
  • Yesh Tikva (resources and awareness in the Jewish community)
  • I Was Supposed to Have a Baby (social media platform that supports Jewish individuals and families struggling to have a baby)
  • Hebrew Free Loan Association (interest-free loans for fertility and adoption costs)
  • Adas Israel Community Mikvah (Jewish Ritual Bath frequently used for rituals when trying to conceive, undergoing IVF, or converting an adopted child)

Adoption and Foster Care

  • Pact: An Adoption Alliance (serving adopted children of color by providing lifelong education, support, and community)
  • Isaac Etter (a transracial adoptee himself and the founder of Identity Learning
  • What White Parents Should Know About Transracial Adoption by Melissa Guida-Richards

Recent Programs

  • Pathways to Parenthood
  • Adoption: Starting the Process
  • Topics in Modern Family-Building: A Three-Part Series