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Unexpected Passages: Family Narratives Through Comics

Young Professionals 21-45, All Ages, Adults (18+), Older Adults (65+)

Date : Sunday, Jul 07

Time : 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Location : Edlavitch DCJCC
1529 Sixteenth Street, NW, Washington, DC

Comics artist Rachel Scheer will discuss her debut graphic novel, Unexpected Passages, which tells the story of her grandfather’s escape from Poland during the Holocaust and reflect on her own Jewish history. Following her talk, she’ll guide participants in creating their own family narrative comics.

Join comics artist Rachel Scheer for a reading, conversation, and workshop on how to tell family narratives through comics. Rachel’s debut graphic novel Unexpected Passages tells the story of her grandfather Irving’s remarkable escape from Poland during the Holocaust, while reflecting on her own Jewish history growing up in the United States as the granddaughter of a survivor. The book explores Rachel’s family’s Yiddish history and her mother’s long journey toward translating Irving’s Yiddish wartime letters. Kept for more than 50 years, the contents of the letters turned out to contain more questions than answers about Irving as a young refugee.

Rachel will begin with a conversation about her work and will then guide us in a workshop to create our own family narrative comics.

About Rachel: Rachel Scheer is a comics artist and elementary school teacher based in Seattle. Rachel’s comics have been published by Edutopia, The Stranger, the Seattle Weekly, Fantagraphics, and more. She is a recent recipient of a Trailer Blaze artist residency and 4Culture grant for her graphic novel Unexpected Passages.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Rabbi Atara at acohen@edcjcc.org.

couple roasting marshmallows over small burners.

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