Date : Saturday, Oct 28
The Chameleon WORLD PREMIERE by Jenny Rachel WeinerDirected by Ellie Heyman OCTOBER 11 – NOVEMBER 5, 2023 Nothing says Jewish Christmas more than Chinese takeout. The food tastes even better […]
Nothing says Jewish Christmas more than Chinese takeout. The food tastes even better this year for actor Riz Golden-Kruger and her family – Riz finally got her big break, the starring role in a new superhero franchise, The Chameleon. But when news leaks that could threaten to ruin Riz’s career, she must decide to hide or fight for what’s right.
Ignited by the fast-paced frenzy of social media, the play rampages through questions of identity, representation, and the complications of assimilation. The Chameleon is an outrageous, laugh-out-loud intergenerational world premiere.
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