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Rosh Hashanah: Celebrating the Start of the Jewish Calendar

Infants and Toddlers (0-5), Children and Teens (6-17)

Date : Sunday, Sep 15

Time : 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Location : Edlavitch DCJCC
1529 Sixteenth Street, NW, Washington, DC

What does the Jewish New Year mean for us? We will learn about the cycle of the Jewish year and think about what we want this new year to bring for us. Children in kindergarten through third grade and their adults are invited to use all their senses to engage with Jewish holidays and traditions in this joyful monthly series led by Rabbi Atara Cohen, Director of Jewish Life and Learning at the EDCJCC. Each standalone session will explore questions…

What does the Jewish New Year mean for us? We will learn about the cycle of the Jewish year and think about what we want this new year to bring for us.

Children in kindergarten through third grade and their adults are invited to use all their senses to engage with Jewish holidays and traditions in this joyful monthly series led by Rabbi Atara Cohen, Director of Jewish Life and Learning at the EDCJCC. Each standalone session will explore questions and themes of the calendar through accessible texts and creative hands-on activities. Questions? Please reach out to Rabbi Atara at acohen@edcjcc.org.

couple roasting marshmallows over small burners.

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