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ARC Sukkah Bagel Brunch

Adults (18+), Older Adults (65+)

Date : Tuesday, Oct 22

Time : 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location : Edlavitch DCJCC
1529 Sixteenth Street, NW, Washington, DC

Join the Active Retirees Club for a joyful brunch in the Sukkah! We will nosh and build community as we celebrate the holiday.

group of active retirees.

Join the Active Retirees Club for a joyful brunch in the Sukkah! We will nosh and build community as we celebrate the holiday.

Free to attend, but please RSVP so we know how many to expect. If you have any questions, please reach out to Rabbi Atara at acohen@edcjcc.org.

couple roasting marshmallows over small burners.

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